{Sneak peek} Phillie :: Philadelphia pet photographer

Emily is adorable in the way that she loves her pug, Phillie. Her face lights up when she talks about him. She spoils him rotten. And I love that because I do the exact. same. thing. Our session confirmed my idea that pugs are one of the most photogenic breeds out there. Every pug that I’ve photographed so far has been so easy to work with, so much fun, and you can’t deny that the ‘pug features’ make for fantasticly cute images!


And to leave you with a giggle… I love, love, love when a dog’s lip gets stuck like this and they don’t seem to notice at all. Kev is always yelling out to Chloe, “Fix your lip!”. Ha.

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  • Holly - ADORABLE!!!! As a pug owner myself, now I absolutely cannot wait for my Ziggy’s photo session!

  • john...of johnwairephoto - you really give wrinkles a good name 🙂

  • Emily Beaty - these are adorable, and that last one is too cute! rylie’s lips do that a lot, too! 🙂

  • claire - love the shot with the barn in the background…it really makes him seem like a little peanut!

  • Nancy - This one is my fav with the head cocked and lip out! Adorable!!

  • amanda - what an awesome location! the stuck lip one is definitely my fav.

  • Jennie - that last one is SO Philly.

  • Allison - LOVE IT! Pugs make the best faces. Love the location too.

  • Rachel - Haha! Fix your lip…One of my dogs sometimes get her ear stuck kinda rolled back and we always say, “Your ear is on backwards.” The shot you said is your fave is definitely my fave too.

  • Emilee - Aw, I just want to squish and smooch that adorable little face! Ah!

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